help us refine this model of manifesting our reality

We all know pretty much what a model of our physical heart looks like - how it oxygenates the blood and pumps the rejuvenated blood around the body.

Now it's time for us to get acquainted with our etheric heart "heart2" that overlaps the space occupied by our 3-d heart.

We will soon see how it "oxygenates" the 8 flames residing there and then it takes the atoms that we have so diligently created consciously or unconsciously and pumps them out all around the universe to do their work in manifesting our desires.

We all can agree that the exterior and outward shape of the Giza pyramid is an accurate model of the earth and the carbon atom but we challenge you to consider that the interior is an accurate model of our inner world.

We're not claiming that our interpretation of the model that is the inner Giza pyramid is entirely accurate, however we hope to stimulate you to refine ours or come up with one of your own.

Isn't it striking that it's estimated that 95% of foreign visitors and the local Egyptians are satisfied to be in awe of the exterior model, never taking the time and energy to explore within it. And so it's quite a parallel situation when we consider the percentage of us that take the time and energy to explore seriously the intricacies and delights of our inner world on a daily basis.

Before we attempt to do just that, let's define a few terms..


Heart=Heart1: our familiar heart that pumps the blood around 50+ trillion cells, each cell containing 50+ trillion electrons and each electron containing around 14 billion parts of Koilon.

Heart2: The heart of our inner world that pumps our thought-forms out into the universe.

Real or True Self=Self2: Our self that knows everything about us our inner & outer worlds and our place in the universe and operates using Heart2. The "I AM" that which animates our bodies, causes our mind to think, our heart to beat and our lungs to breathe.

Human Self = Personality= Self1: including our mind and intellect that busies itself with our outer reality, source of our doubts and anxieties. Strives very hard to maintain the illusion of its "separate" existence and is being trained by our Real Self to become its perfect instrument.

Consciousness, outward= con1: Consciousness from the vantage point of the personality.

Consciousness, inner = con2: Consciousness from the vantage point of the Real Self within.

Chambers of Heart2 : Each one is associated with a ray and chakra see figure 8

Passageway 5 of Heart2: This is associated with ray R5 and connects chambers R1 and R3. (fig 3)

Desire: an attribute of the personality which is an agent of the Will of the Real Self.

Mind = Human Mind =Mind1: includes the Intellect as used by the Personality.

Mind2: The mind of our inner world used by our Real Self.

Body =Body1: human physical body.

Soul Body = Body2: Dwelling place for our Heart2 as part of our Mind2 & Real Self.

Cosmic Rays: The rays that we breathe in to our heart2 at the same time as we breath oxygen into our physical heart.

Thought-Form (TF) : our thought becomes charged with emotion and will power. (inside chamber R1)

Pyramid of Desires (PD4): Inside this pyramid we construct a TF for each of our ideas & desires on 4 different levels. see figures 6 and 7

WE : We move our shared consciousness back and forth in the interplay and dance between our 2 selves.
see phases 1,2 and 3 below.

I AM.......: The idea emanating from our Real Self and spoken consciously by our personality with reverence, love, power & wisdom.

I'm = I am.......: The idea emanating from our Real Self and spoken unconsciously by our personality.


This process is about the dance of consciousness to and fro between Self1 and Self2, starting with Self2 for the first 7 years, then gradually handing over a large part of the decision-making process from the heart-centered Self2 to the intellect of Self1 happening usually between the ages of 7 and 21. Then it's the turn of Self1 to show what it can do as it struggles in separation immersed in 3-d reality until such time as the personality is deemed trustworthy enough to be trained in the expression of much greater gifts and powers.
This phase requires that Self1 gradually accepts and embraces Self2's leadership role.

Phase 1:
We come into this world very much dependent on Self2 which breathes our lungs and beats our heart. Self2 spends the next many many years patiently training Self1 to become more and more conscious of the thoughts provided to it. At some point where Self1 has but all lost sight of Self2 it presumes it is alone and separate and now it's ready to embark on its journey of acting from a vantage point of separation.

Phase 2:
All the while Self1 is still being overshadowed by Self2 but much of the time its a "hands off" approach as Self1 is allowed to learn what feels right and what feels not right, and much of the learning proceeds by trial and error with many twists and turns on the way.
This phase of training is to build a strong sense of identity and personality so that Self1 can find out how to negotiate and navigate its way through the density of 3-dimensional life.

Phase 3:
After usually many decades of trial and error and along the way, enough significant glimpses into the behind the scenes maneuvers of Self2, the intellect of Self1 is ready to be informed that it has completed Phase 2 of the training and that it has done a great job of keeping up the pretense of separation. Now the gradual handover of control back to Self2 begins.

Let's imagine Self1 with L plates up is learning to drive in one of those black London cabs with his mentor sitting in the front passenger seat.
The dark window of the partition has no opening and so prevents him from seeing into the back of the cab, but often he hears the voices of his mum and dad shouting instructions about which destination to set on the GPS.
What he doesn't know or see is that also in the back is his Self2 who is also operating another set of brake, clutch, steering controls and a master GPS that overrides the one visible to Self1.

Phase 2:
Self1 passes the test and is now under the illusion that all his passengers have vacated the cab.
At the beginning of each journey , little has hanged; Self2 is still pre-settting the journey's ultimate destination Z on the master GPS in the rear unknown to Self1 , who gets to see only the intermediate destinations A through Y on the GPS on the front windscreen, each destination always giving a choice of routes 1 & 2.

Whichever route 1 or 2 is selected, both will eventually lead to the next intermediate destination but each choice will give very different experiences along the way.

This pattern will usually continue for some decades but at various intervals Self1 will have glimpses into some behind the scenes maneuvers on the part of some help from an unknown source.

Phase 3:
Usually after several decades of such intermitent glimpses of a shadow moving in the rear of the taxi, Self1 has peeked through a clear spot in the darkened partition and comes fleetingly face to face with Self2. Now it is time to inform Self1 that it has successfully completed Phase 2 of the training and that it has done a great job of keeping up the pretense of separation which was needed to get Self1 to the point where it could competently maneuver its way through the many traps and deceptive appearances showing up in the 3-d world.

Self1 starts to receive clear messages from the rear and is tutored in the awesome and superior resources at the command of Self2, notably Heart2 and Mind2 and acknowledges the new subservient role mapped out for it. It has yet to fully accept and comply with this role for itself - this is what Phase 3 is all about.

The ongoing handover period is not without some periods of regression and reminds us of the many years of training of Phase 1 (typically from age 7 to 21) that Self1 underwent to get to the point of consciously making decisions from the vantage point of Self1 acting from a vantage point of separation, finding it difficult to trust the people and conditions all around and so having to diligently hone its own skills for its journey of imagined separation.

Now the training process for Self1 starts in earnest and is exactly in the reverse direction where Self1 having achieved the most it can from its own vantage point of separation, proceeds to concede more and more authority back to Self2.

As Self1 under constant egging and cajoling, gives up more and more of its decision making role and takes on more of a subordinate status, it gets more and more to see the grand destination Z on the GPS screen that was previously hidden and starts to co-operate willingly utilizing the unlimited knowledge and resources of Self2.

See figure 9 for an overview of how the dance between the 2 selves, S1 & S2 operate in relation to our chakra systems and cosmic rays.

Self2 acting from Heart2 has access to all 8 cosmic rays as shown in figure 3 and all other Mind2's and Heart2's that need to be related to, in order to manifest our aligned Thought-Forms.

In stark contrast, Self1 while it acts from its vantage point of separation, has to make do with its limited perspective from the vantage point of cosmic ray 2 which even then needs to be thinned down dramatically to match the perception apparatus available to its human personality and intellect.


Heart2 is fueled by 8 cosmic flames, our job is to make sure all 8 flames are shining as brightly and as energetically as we can possibly make them. As we breathe oxygen into heart1 we also "breathe" or intake all 8 cosmic rays into the "pit" as illustrated in figure 3 and from there they fan out all over the heart2 area.

Our model of heart2 comprises 8 principle areas, the 7 chambers & passage way as seen in figures 3,4 &5.

Each of the 8 cosmic rays has a label R1 to R8 (see figures 1 & 2) and that label gives it name to each of the corresponding positions ( see figures 3, 4 & 5) , so for example ray 2 is the ray of wisdom & illumination it operates primarily in chamber R2.
Also each of the rays corresponds to one of the 8 chakras as illustrated in figure 8.

Each of these rays has a 3d aspect and also a higher aspect as seen in figures 1 & 2.

Even though the 8 flames permeate all over the heart2 area, all of them have their designated area where they can perform specialised tasks.

There are 5 construction chambers , the chamber of Divine Will (R1) and the chamber of manifestation (R3) and one passage connecting chamber R1 to chamber R3.


By contrast Rays 2, 1 and 3 do most of the work with the other rays acting at a minimalist level.

RAY 2 Review & refine the thoughts to be manifested compelled by Desire

RAY 1 Create the thought form through the personality's desire

Restart the cycle from ray 2 & cycle around the above 2 rays until the TF is ready for chamber R3

RAY 3 pump those atoms out into the universe to do their work


Here’s the sequence of events with the corresponding rays indicated and illustrated in our model of Heart2 where the movement is from top to bottom (figure 3)

RAY 2 Review & refine the thoughts to be manifested compelled by Desire as qualified by Ray1

RAY 6 Be aware not to place only a personal construction upon them but imbue them with a sense of service for the greater good of the community and beyond

RAY 4 Purify the feelings of desire around the thoughts.

RAY 7 Transmute the karmic residue of negative energies that we have sent out in our past.

RAY 8 Harmonize all 4 actions above

RAY 1 Create the thought form through aligning the personality's desire with the Love & Will-Power of our Real Self.

Restart the cycle from ray 2 & cycle around the above 6 rays until the TF is ready for passageway5 on its way into chamber R3.

RAY 5 Continue healing our physical, etheric , emotional and mental bodies

RAY 3 Pour another burst of unconditional love into those thought-forms before we pump those atoms out into the universe to do their perfect work

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Conscious Manifesting.

Much of the inspiration and information about the 8 cosmic rays has come from the Telos books published by Mount Shasta Publishing and nurtured by the Telos Worldwide Foundation.

Before starting any meditation session however short, first proceed through this preparation phase.

Preparation for the Process.

If we don't know our normal breathing rate, then we check our normal breathing rate as the number of  in/outs a minute.
We try and slow down to half that amount if possible or whatever slower rate feels comfortable.
As we slow down, we synchronize our breathing to our thinking  process as follows...

On breathing in we construct the thought of the current step in the process. If one in-breath is not enough then we keep breathing until the thought is coherent, all the time only constructing the idea during the in-breath.

When the knowingness of the current chunk of the process is coherent then we energize the thought with our love and desire, which constructs the TF  using as many out-breaths as is necessary.

So each piece of the process lasts for at least one in-out breath sequence and is a 2-stage process.
1) Construct the thought (current piece in the process) into a coherent thought or idea
2) We express the idea by energizing it with the emotion of our desire and love.

Turning the unconscious steps into conscious ones.

All 8 rays are glowing throughout heart2, but in each of the chambers and inside the passage way, the color of that corresponding ray is strongest.
We say out loud the sacred Tibetan chant of om-ah-hum for at least a minute.

                 OM - THINKING
On the om we breathe in the yellow ray to brighten chamber R2, where we build a definitive picture of the idea.

                 AH - DESIRING & SPEAKING
On the ah we breathe in the blue ray to brighten chamber R1, we ask for our desire to be aligned with the Will of our Real Self, we verbalize the idea either silently or aloud and so we fill the TF with the vital substance of Desire and Love as we we begin the materialization process. That will prompt the planning process (carried out by the Real Self) how to direct and control the consciousness of all minds and all bodies connected with or related to the idea. 

                 HUM - LOVING
On the hum we breathe in the crystal-rose ray to brighten chamber R3, where we pour unconditional love into the TF that allows us to attract, shape and mold conditions to complete the manifestation process.

Constructing our Ideas to be manifested
See figures 6 and 7 for 2 examples of this pyramid.There are 4 levels in this pyramid which represents our 4 levels of desires. For balance there will be at least 1 desire on each level, and there should be the same number of desires on levels 1 & 3.

Next we decide how many desires we will work with in this manifestation process and name them appropriately and commit them to paper.

As we become familiar with the steps which may take some weeks we start to synchronize the steps with our breathing as outlined above from memory.

RAY 2 in chamber R2

We get to know and love ray number 2, the ray of illumination associated with the crown chakra.
We visualize the yellow ray 2 in front of our 3rd eye and make sure that our pyramid of desires (PD4) is enveloped completely by this yellow flame allowing the 3d and / or the higher attributes to fill those desires.(see figures 1 & 2)
We explain to our intellect that it is much loved but for this manifestation it must be in observer status while we are directing operations from our heart center. Knowing this, our intellect can sit back for a change and enjoy the ride.

We very carefully and reverently transport  our PD4 from the 3rd eye down into chamber R2 inside heart2 where we continue to envelop it inside the yellow ray.

RAY 1in chamber R1

We now skip to Chamber 1 and align our desires with the will of Self2.

Now's a good time to take a break and continue our 3d business, knowing all the while we attend to our 3d affairs, those electrons inside PD4 that we have tenderly loaded are all being qualified for their important work under the watchful guidance of all 8 flames.

Throughout the day we can repeat and intensify both actions in chambers 2 and 1.

Part 3 Pumping out our atoms into the universe.

We suggest this to be done last thing before retiring at night so we get a chance to refine or modify them in light of what has transpired during that day, Perhaps one of the desires we sent out yesterday has already manifested or partly manifested.
We move our consciousness to chamber R3 and breathe in all 8 cosmic rays.
As usual we synchronise our breathing , at least one in/out breath for each desire.
In this way we go through the list of our desires one by one paying particular attention to the wording.

If some events during the day have altered the nature of the idea & desire then insert the new wording.
After we've constructed each idea on the in-breath and injected our love and desire on the out breath,  we compare those constructs with the last written record we have of them, and check that we remembered each one accurately.

If the wording needs to be refined or modified we create a new master list of the desires.

The bottom line is that the more love and joy we can generate, the faster those
electrons will whirl around the nucleus and the faster we will manifest those desires.

So now it remains for us to sleep soundly in the knowledge that the universe is already busy at work connecting to all those other Mind2's and Heart2's that are related to our ideas in manifestation....

Give us your feedback and watch this space for the next installment....

1 comment:

  1. YES!!!!! I like!! very interesting and surely rewording!
